• Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.

Aloha 2025 ドライバー・ヘッドカバー

通常価格 ¥8,800
Aloha 2025 ドライバー・ヘッドカバー アロハ2025ドライバー・ヘッドカバーがあれば、どんなティーグラウンドでも南国気分を味わえます。ネイビーとホワイトの手描きのアロハプリントが施された耐久性に優れたポリウレタン製の外装と、大切なドライバーをしっかり保護する柔らかなベロア素材の内張りが特徴です。 内側にQuickStick™ カートマグネットが付いており、使用しない時はゴルフカートに固定できます。

  • 商品詳細
  • ポリウレタン外装
  • ソフトなベロアの内装
  • 内蔵のQuickStick™カート・マグネットは、カートに簡単に取り付けられ、安全に保管できます。