• Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.
  • Parsons Xtreme Golf (PXG) makes the world's finest golf clubs & equipment, engineered for golfers at every level & custom fitted to maximize performance.

Aloha 6パネル・カーブド・ビル - ホワイト

通常価格 ¥7,700
Color White
アロハ6パネルカーブドビルハットをかぶれば、いつでもトロピカルな雰囲気に。ネイビーとホワイトのトロピカルなアロハプリントで彩られ、手描きのハワイアンリーフやフラワーがデザインされています。 立体的なネイビーのシリコンPXGロゴと、調整可能なスナップバッククロージャーが特徴です。

  • 商品詳細
  • リサイクルポリエステル97%/ポリウレタン3%
  • 調節可能なスナップバッククロージャ―
  • フロントに大きなPXGシリコンロゴ
  • 側面に小さなPXGロゴ